Well friends, we might have appeared to be Boring Barrs lately as indicated by lack of blogging but nothing could be further from the truth. Last Wednesday we had to leave work early to pick up a friend of Michael's mum from the airport. I waited in the car for 15 minutes in a 2 minute parking bay outside the Qantas arrivals having a little weep. Airports just remind me of saying goodbye to my family and I'm growing to detest them. Gone are the days I visit them for emotional entertainment. I was trying to rearrange my mascara in time for 60 year old 'Ruth' to turn up when there was a knock at my driver's door window and it was my sister - Carmel Ruth "Gotcha a beaudy" Harris! I sat there for minutes (well, not quite) trying to work out how I got so 'got' before I even opened the door. It was her birthday that day and mine is NEXT WEEK so Michael flew her over. He'd been planning it for months. It's not often I'm surprised. Sometimes I act surprised by someone's efforts to trick me, but I'm not really. So, that began a week of sharing ebay favourite sellers, oohing and aahing over new fashion purchases since we last saw eachother and talking Harris code that Michael is now fluent in translating. We stumbled upon markets and opshops that were providentially revealled to us as we sought pure bargain purchasing. It was a brill week. In some ways nothing has changed. In other ways, a lot has changed....I now use Michael's parents home as a delivery address for my ebay buys. Even though I did vow on the 6th November to "reject all forms of deception" (he reminds me daily) I just don't think he deserves a full mailbox every day. We work in the same building and he has a weakness for overtime. I call him at 5.30 from my office and say "Every minute you stay is every minute I bid".