
Friday, November 27

And Mummy Got a Haircut

While he was having a sleep today I ducked out and got a grandparents are tops! I got engrossed in a magazine while he cut my hair and by the time I looked up, it was really short! He finished by saying "I figured you wanted a cut that would last you a long time once bubba arrives". Hairstylists love to figure out what you REALLY want don't they?! We went to the windy Cottelsoe Beach for icecreams after that.

The Playground

Just A Cute Photo


Two weeks and Polly will the taken from our shelves forever. I've loved her all my life. I'm stockpiling.

Puttin' Up The Tree

The grandies from Sydney are with us at the moment and so we celebrated Christmas a month early. We had a really funny incident that involved AB excitedly wacking baubles off the tree and me desperately trying to say 'no' without giggling. I couldn't manage it and in the end Angus was wacking baubles fast and hard and I was hysterically saying 'no, no, no'. A moment.

Monday, November 2

Pictures and Stories

Here are a bunch of shots that characterise our last month. MB had to go to Adelaide for 'business' - lots of wineries, pubs and restaurants - so The Mouse and I entertained ourselves in this lovely city. We had a great time catching up with friends and playing in parks, eating junk food and chasing seagulls. Adelaide is great and you only realise how developers and councils have screwed up Perth's urban development over the last 50 years when you visit a place like Adelaide. Shame on them.

'The Mouse' (as he seems to get called by lots of people now) is more delightful each day. He's active but not a whirlwind and cheeky but not too naughty, just yet. He knows he's not allowed to touch the crockery or glass cupboards and he usually does ok with obeying the rules. We live in an old house so there are large gaps under the door. The other morning while I was having my shower I heard the typical KNOCK-KNOCK on the door which is one of his little traditions. I did respond by acknowledging the knock but next thing I knew a whole dinner plate had been relocated from the kitchen and slid under the door. Attention seeking with intelligence thrown in!!

He is inseparable from his "nana rug" (which she knitted) and will take it himself to the cot if you are a bit late with the day sleep routine. The Baby Whisperer is still a hero in our world 1 year later. Apart from waking up early (often before 5am) he has learnt that sleep is his friend and he wants it when he's tired. I love that woman. We've referred her to at least 10 friends and they've all had the same experience. I'm confident with the next bubba that our issues in the sleep department will be easily managed.

I'm feeling quite good at 24 weeks (3 months to go). Just starting to get the discomfort that reminds me that walking is going to be painful and hard work from here on in. Oh well. The weather is warming up so the paddle pool is ready to go. One for The Mouse and one for me.

Blogger Block

The blog has been noticeably quiet of late. Lots of stuff going on and no inclination to talk! Most significantly is that Cam's health over the last 6 weeks has not been flash. He's been in hospital with a random gall bladder infection and then the following week an emergency hip replacement with a few hours' notice. It was all quite traumatic as the cancer had sneakily eaten through the bone with less than a centimetre left to hold up his body. Anyway, he immediately felt more comfortable with the replacement and was walking the next day. All this while still having chemo! Since then he's been trialling a new chemo drug that's $11,000 an injection so thanks to the government for taken care of that medical expense. He's living with us part time and with Carms and John the other part. Great to have him in the house.

Licking the Beaters

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