Hi mummy,
Last year I didn't do anything for mothers day becuase I was too little but this year daddy said that wouldn't be good enough - so I have dictated this blog for him to type. I promise I will try and do better next year.
Anyway I picked the card we gave you today - I had picked another one with cats on it but in the end daddy convinced me to go to the mothers day section and we found a nice brightly coloured one. Once I had sufficiently bent that one daddy though it might be best if we bought it.
I also went shopping with daddy for dinner ingredients so he could make you dinner. I could have done it myself but I think we should try and make him feel a bit useful from time to time. I like the beans best and that's why I thought I would give you a few extras at dinner.
Last year I was still a bit confused ( I had only been here for 2 days) so I didn't know what mummies day was all about but since then I think that I have learned a bit. Thanks for being my best buddy and for letting me be your shadow every day. I know it took me a while to get the hang of this sleeping stuff but you have been really patient with me even at 2am. I must admit I really want to sleep too but I just like saying hello to you. I like the games you play with me especially when you jump out from bedrooms and frighten me, when you shake you hair in my face, when you sing songs to me and take me cat hunting. I really like all the food you make for me - not many of my friends are fed chilli olives but that's OK as it turns out I quite liked them. I love all the books you read to me especially the Gruffalo and Dear Zoo. Oh yeah and I really like swimming with my buddies from mummies group too. That's always fun and all your friends always make me smile.
I know you don't like it when i touch the computer but I reckon with persistence on my part you will come around.
Daddy always tells me how lucky I am - actually he really goes on about that a bit much. Even though he goes for the Sydney Swans I think he might be right on this one.
I love you very much