
Friday, June 27

Organ Recital

I've just registered online to be an Organ Donor. At one stage I did tick the box on the back of my driver's licence to say 'yes please' but at some point that system lapsed and I am in no man's land.

It seems like a no-brainer but I always had fears of being operated on for a major organ donation and being fully awake and aware of the I wasn't dead.

Well, I just have to trust that the medical fraternity will know their stuff should a situation like that eventuate.

With Cam's illness and Angus' arrival there is no question as to what is the right thing for me to do with this opportunity. Unfortunately the decision to register as a donor has been precipitated by a very self-centred suite of prompts. I also believe I'll be a first-time blood donor in the very near future. And I'm fairly confident, should we be blessed with another baby, the cord blood will be donated to the Cord Blood Bank in WA once it is fully established. Someone else's brother or son may need it today.


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