
Monday, December 10

In 3D

Here's our Lil' Bebe....19 weeks and 2 days. We had these pictures taken last week. Very amazing experience to see live and moving pictures of this little thing inside you. We counted fingers and meansured skin thickness and saw all the details. Even watched the valves opening and closing in the four chambers of the heart. Wow wee. This picture shows the umbilical cord pressed up against the face, making it look like a trunk. Therefore we have named the little thing Babar Barr until further notice. The scan showed all is very well. The sonographer kept saying words like "perfect", "no problems", "beautiful", "fine" the whole way through the checklist. The size of Barbar's renal drainage is 0.06cm more dilated than it could be at this point which means I'll have some more pictures taken closer to the birth just to be sure all is right for delivery.

We are off to Perth for Christmas on Sunday after a week of partying here. All fun and lots of nice eating. Putting on weight is not a consideration this year. Can't wait to be Wes'side again for a few sleep ins and some decent family time with a bit of tummy stroking to boot.


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