
Tuesday, August 28

Four Day Holiday!

I roadtrip in style!

Here we are in Augusta.  It's a 3 hour trip which we managed to do in 5.  Brucie was a wonder baby on his first road trip.  We might even do it again.

Morning cuddles with PJ's and bed hair.

"I really love him.  I really do" - AB

Family in the forest

How gorgeous are these two?!

He's so, so lovely.  Although the night before he didn't settle until 5am and I wasn't so gushy about him between midnight and dawn.

Cluck, cluck, cluck!

We did a self guided tour in Mammoth Cave with headsets.  It was very exciting; apparently no dinosaurs or dragons to be found.  There was a reference made to crocodiles by the virtual tour guide and that was enough to walk quickly to the exit for AB. 

Brucie's first fishing trip. 

One of my goals on the weekend was to have some photos taken with the kids just to prove I was a part of their childhood. 


And the other goal was to set up some shots to fulfil a creativity need.

Grasshopper Soccer

We have AB enrolled in a Grasshopper Soccer clinic every Saturday morning this term.  He's not as keen on the event as his sister who joins in the activities.
He just cares about cuddles with Nana and the Nana Rug.

AB's got great skill and less 'white line fever'.  Happy to play on is own.

Jem however will take on any 4 or 5 year old boy who wants her ball.

Saturday, August 18

Way Back Then

Forgot about these pic's but I really love them.  Silas was 1 week old.  Most days AB will say "I really love my brother, Mum.  I really love him".  Jem is a tad more self-centred and says "I'n a big sister!"  They ask to cuddle him constantly so it's all smooth sailing in the sibling rivalry department...5 weeks in.


What do I do with her?!

A little bit cute!

Funny Face!


Friday, August 10

Three Weeks Young

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