
Monday, October 9

What do you do when... really have to write an assignment and you don't want to? Write a post about nothing in particular on your blog. Well, I can justify it by reasoning that I haven't given blogging as much time as I have wanted to recently.

I'm edging closer and closer to making decisions to simplify this life of mine. I never wanted to work 45 hours a week. There's so much more to do. Having said that, the cafe was really good today. I had a few laughs with my Barista Buddy Matt and the Amazing Amanda. Made a list of all the people I've come to know by name who frequent the place and wrote 100 names without even trying. It's good. I meet people all the time when I go out and about in this little town they call Sydney.

I really should do my assignment. I'm getting ready to ask for an extension - until March 2007. Why not? I've got too much happening between now and then to realistically commit to anything earlier.

Mmmm, obligation and guilt has overcome and I must go. But it's 9:24pm and Denton is just about to start.

How does April sound?

Sunday, October 8

It's raining babies!

While the Barr boys were building a shed yesterday, the Barr girls were celebrating the immenent birth of another Barr. Matt and Sarah are due the day Carmel gets married so there are massive celebrations ahead. We had a great, girlie arvo with about 8 of her friends having babies this year. Posted by Picasa

The glowing mum-to-be opening presents for the new bub. Posted by Picasa

This is the house that Jack built....

Well, that' s Jack in the light blue t-shirt and his uncles and grandpa helped out a bit too. This the first visible inidication that changes are ahappenin' in the Barr backyard. To make way for our house extensions starting next month, the Barr boys got together and put this baby up yesterday. I went shopping. But, I did make the shed purchase on ebay so that was my contribution done. But where is Michael you ask? Posted by Picasa

Here he is...being a handyman. Posted by Picasa

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